Lazlo DB

NoSql DB

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newdoc / create doc

Creates a new document in the selected database

lazlo => newdoc doc1
lazlo => create doc doc1

delete doc / remove doc

Delete a document

lazlo => delete doc doc1
lazlo => remove doc doc1

list doc / docs

List all documents in the database

lazlo => list doc
lazlo => docs


Insert single record into the document

lazlo => insert into doc1 '{"name":"joe","age":20}'

Remember that the input must be a json string, else a syntactical error will be thrown

insert many

Insert multiple records

lazlo => insert many into doc1 '[{"name":"jim","age":18},{"name":"joe","age":20}]'

Remember that the input must be a json string, else a syntactical error will be thrown

show all

Display the data in a document

lazlo => show all from doc1

where clause 1

Compare single property of a record with a single value. Displays all the records which fulfill the condition.

Operators available:

lazlo => show from doc1 where name = joe
lazlo => show from doc1 where age > 18

If the property is not found, an error will be thrown

where clause 2

Compare dual properties of a record with dual values using a conjunction. Displays all the records which fulfill the condition.

Operators available:

Conjunctions available:

lazlo => pick from doc1 where name = joe and age >= 18
lazlo => pick from doc1 where name = jim or age < 21

If any property is not found, an error will be thrown

where clause 3

Compare two properties of a record. Displays all the records which fulfill the condition.

Operators available:

Consider this data

[{name:'tokyo', monday:10, tuesday:12},{name:'mumbai', monday:15, tuesday:15}]

Then we can compare properties like:

lazlo => identify from doc1 where monday = tuesday   //mumbai

If any property is not found, an error will be thrown


In update, you first identify a record using an unique property and value pair and then update it by changing an existing property or by adding a new property and value pair. If the property and value pair used for identification was not unique, lazlo will update all the records having that property-value pair.

lazlo => update in doc1 where name = joe as name = doe

Here the name will be changed to doe


In delete, you first identify a record using an unique property and value pair and then delete it. If the property and value pair used for identification was not unique, lazlo will delete all the records having that property-value pair.

lazlo => delete from doc1 where name = joe

show records by date

You can also display all the records in a document created on a specific date. The date is passed in a yyyy-mm-dd format.

lazlo => show records of 2018-12-25 from doc1